Govt. Tourism License 3195/080/81
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About us

Welcome to Hill Sherpa Trekking, the ultimate place for your trekking, expedition, and mountain climbing trip to Nepal. At our agency, we work with only one thing in mind, that is to provide you with the ultimate experience, a trip that is worth every penny.

We are not just another travel/trek agency in Nepal but one that is genuinely there to take care of you and cater to your unique needs.

Our Story

About us – Our Managing Directors, Dawa Pasang Sherpa, and Ang Dendi Sherpa are adventurers themselves with years of experience traveling off-beaten trails and remote highlands of Nepal. With the idea to let travelers experience the best treks and adventurous expeditions, the two set out to establish this company.

With our team of experienced members, we are confident that we have what it takes to offer the best experience as we are more in touch with the present technology, high-spirited, young minds, and nature lovers ourselves. We are not a bunch of investors and businessmen trying to earn big bucks, we are doing what we love and trying to turn it into a dream job.

Our Team

Our team members are full of Sherpas and Tamangs, the native people of the Himalayas. With years of experience traveling the Himalayas and highlands of Nepal, our trek and climbing guides are more than capable of making sure that you reach your destination timely and safely.

Our guides are knowledgeable of the regions that you choose to travel to. You will be assigned different guides for different regions. This is done because different regions have varied difficulty, environment, temperature, and other aspects. Starting from the moment you you land at the airport in Kathmandu, our team will take care of you, drive you around to the places you need to be, and guide you all the way.

Our Vision

Every crew member in our team shares the same vision of providing travelers with the best experience. While you are on tour with us, we will not let you feel inadequate in any aspect. This is not just our statement but something we imply on every travel we arrange for our guests.

We promote sustainable trekking/traveling journeys so that the places and regions we visit benefit from tourism and are not impacted in any way. We try to leave things the way they are and how they are supposed to be. For instance, we do not disturb the natural ways of life, and the practices of the locals.

One of the best things to do while traveling to any place is to be wary of the customs. Some places are more sacred than others and you might receive side eyes if you try to take pictures or engage in the practices without being invited. So, we always make sure to keep our distance and appreciate the beauty from afar.

Another aspect that we heavily emphasize is food. We recommend all travelers try different foods, especially the locally-made traditional food that is a part of the traveling experience itself. The same can be said for drinks.

Why Choose Us?

Custom Trips

Hill Sherpa offers adventurers the option to customize their trips. For this, you will have to let us know beforehand before you actually book the trip. After-booking customizations are possible as well but your customizations can be refused as we will have started working on the original plan.

Customizations prior to booking allow travelers to have more flexibility with their options. You will get on a virtual meeting with us where we will discuss all the aspects of the customization that you prefer.

We want all our guests to have a trip of their lifetime and so we allow for extensive customization based on individual preferences. You can add a couple of destinations to the existing itinerary or replace certain destinations with other ones.

Sustainable Tours

The treks, expeditions, and climbing trips we offer are all sustainably designed and carried out to ensure that the natural beauty of the highlands remains intact and ready for the next travelers to visit. We make sure that there is no littering of any kind, and that the only thing we take from the trips is beautiful memories and tons of photos.

Experienced Guides

Guides are the unsung heroes of every successful mountain expedition and trek. They do not get enough credit for it and are sometimes even completely disregarded. Our experienced guide will make sure that you stay on the right track, stay in the best places, and have an overall great experience in the hills of Nepal.

Book Your Trip Today

If you are looking for an adventure of a lifetime, book your trip with us now. You can simply reach out to us at or contact us at +977 9704823980 (WhatsApp, Viber & Line).