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Best times to trek the Manaslu circuit

By admin

Best times to trek the Manaslu circuit – Nepal is a country with beautiful landscapes and tall Himalayas. Many travelers and tourists from all over the world visit Nepal for different adventurous activities and trekking is one of them. Standing at 8163m above sea level Manaslu is a must-travel destination for trekkers from all over the world. Located in the Mansiri Himal range of Gorkha, Nepal. Manaslu derives its name from the Sanskrit translation of “mountain of the spirit” a fitting description for its beautiful snow-capped mountain and tough terrain.

Manaslu circuit trek is regarded as a must-do trek for adventure junkies and tourists from all over the world domestically as well as internationally. Anyone hoping to trek Everest or other
8000m+ peaks in the world must experience the Manaslu circuit trek first. Manaslu circuit trek is one of the most challenging and strenuous treks in the Himalayas of Nepal. As it is known for its challenging routes it is also less crowded compared to other more popular treks giving its visitors a more peaceful adventure experience.

It has a perfect blend of the serene beauty of the Himalayas, lush valleys, pristine rivers, and the joy of adventure in its tough and rugged trails and terrain. Trekkers’ sense of accomplishment is enhanced by the challenge of traversing high-altitude mountain passes, particularly the Larkya La Pass.

The area is rich in biodiversity, making it possible to see a wide variety of plants and animals, which heightens the appeal of the trek. As you trek through the trails you can also experience the culture and tradition of the local ethnic group and communities such as Nurbi and Tsum communities along with top-notch Nepalese hospitality and cuisines in local accommodations and tea houses along its route.

manaslu circuit trek
manaslu circuit trek

The ideal time to trek the Manaslu circuit?

But before going on this enthralling yet soothing experience of the Manaslu circuit trek solid planning is crucial. Hence, you must learn about the climate and weather in different seasons as well as months. In this article you will learn about the best time to go for a Manaslu circuit trek so make sure you read until the end.

Manaslu circuit trek in the spring season

Nepals’ spring season lasts from March through April and May. This season is considered the best season if you are planning to trek the Manaslu circuit. Since it comes right after the winter season the weather starts to get warmer which causes the lakes at high altitudes such as Birendra and Ponkar lakes to melt.

Although the snow begins to melt during the spring the nearby peaks will still have a good amount of snow making the view much more stunning. In addition, the locals who had fled to towns or low villages to avoid the freezing winter would have begun to return once spring had arrived.

The season of spring begins in March. The days are warm as the temperatures begin to rise therefore making this month an ideal month for trekking. Although early March is cold it is also warm and windy as well. The hiking tracks and the lower portion of the forest are also covered in vegetation during this season

  • The season of spring begins in March. The days are warm as the temperatures begin to rise therefore making this month an ideal month for trekking. Although early March is cold it is also warm and windy as well. The hiking tracks and the lower portion of the forest are also covered in vegetation during this season
  • April is the best time to trek the Manaslu circuit. as the nights are not so chilly and the days are more warmer and brighter. Since there is more sunlight throughout the longer days, visibility is better. Everything along the trail is blooming with nature.
  • May marks the end of the spring season, which is characterized by consistently warm, sunny weather. The weather in the Manaslu region is fairly dry and there is typically a fresh wind blowing, making it ideal for hiking even though it is the hottest and driest month of the year.

Manaslu circuit trek in the autumn season

Autumn starts in September and ends in November. During this season Manaslu Circuit Trek sees a huge number of trekkers and tourists as it is arguably the best time to trek the circuit when temperatures are cooler and the scenery of the mountains is breathtaking. Also, warm weather makes the days longer and more brilliant, which encourages greater exploration. Hence, it is the best time to traverse the difficult Lance La Pass (5,165m).

  • Autumn officially starts in September. Moreover, the early and evening temperatures begin to drop. Additionally, it may rain at the start of the month, the monsoon may end by the fourth week, and autumn may emerge, allowing you to experience both seasons together
  • October month marks the best time to trek the Manaslu circuit as the weather is warm clear and visible. The weather is neither cold nor hot. therefore making this season ideal for trekking.
  • Another fantastic month to hike Manaslu in the fall is November. This month is the driest and mildest of the year. There is good visibility of multiple mountain ranges covered with snow. One additional benefit of trekking in Manaslu this month is that from the first to the third week of November, you can participate in the annual Manaslu trail race

Manaslu circuit trek in the summer season

During the summer season, it is tricky to trek the Manaslu circuit as there is always a probability of rainfall as it is also the season of monsoon. One can anticipate an average of 460 mm of rainfall during the monsoon at an altitude of around 1,400 m, and 30 mm of rainfall over 4,000 but as you travel to higher elevations the chances of rainfall decrease. therefore making the trek muddy wet and treacherous.

As different species of bugs leeches and mosquitoes thrive during summer and monsoon season it also brings the risk of getting infection or sickness during the trek. Occurrence of natural calamities such as landslides is also common during this season.

Although it doesn’t seem ideal to travel during this season it doesn’t just come with the disadvantages mentioned above. One of the main advantages of trekking during this season is less crowded trails which creates a peaceful and blissful journey for a trekker as they can enjoy the beautiful mountains and lush landscapes in solitude.

As the off-season starts during the summer season, the trekkers also get a good amount of discount on facilities such as accommodations and tea houses during their journey on the Manaslu trek circuit.

  • June marks the beginning of summer, which means that temperatures in the Manaslu region are high and sunny. Nonetheless, there will be a little bit of rain in the Manaslu’s lower trail by the end of the month.
  • In July, the Manaslu region has higher temperatures, heavier rainfall, and increased humidity. Thus, it’s among the warmest and wettest seasons of the year. Mornings are generally clear whereas evening and night times are rainy. This month brings lush vegetation and beautiful scenery around forest areas
  • The month of August is similar to July as it is known as the wettest month in the monsoon season of Nepal. So trekking with caution is advisable while trekking through the wet and slippery trails of the Manaslu circuit.

Manaslu circuit trek in the winter season

Manaslu is transformed into a snowy winter paradise during the winter season. This season runs from December to February. The winter days are comparatively shorter than the monsoon and autumn seasons.

In this season the days are shorter the nights are longer and the temperature also plummets drastically which makes it an off-season for the Manalsu circuit trek. however, calmer trails and scenery of stunning snow-capped peaks make it a joyful and fun experience

  • December marks the beginning of the winter season as the temperature drops. There is a noticeable difference in temperature between the higher and lower sections as the lower sections are colder. However, the days are bright and cool, providing perfect weather and stunning views of the mountains.
  • January is the month not ideal for trekking the Manasalu circuit as it marks the coldest month in Nepal. Due to heavy snowfall and cold weather crossing Larke La Pass is one of the most challenging tasks. Trekkers have to walk for long and grueling hours in heavy snow and also must know about technical gear and equipment.
  • Even though February is the end of winter, it can still get very cold at night and in the morning. In this month the temperature might plummet to minus but that won’t take away the breathtaking views of the Alps and the enthralling journey of the trek.


Going on the Manaslu circuit trek in different seasons gives you a different perspective on the Manaslu region. Every season has its drawbacks and strong points but it doesn’t take away the unique and enriching experience that it offers so the ideal times to begin your ascent of Manaslu are indicated by the season above.

However, it will vary on your interests, level of weather tolerance, and level of experience. Those who are willing can embark on an unforgettable journey must do their proper research according to their preference and plan according to the weather and route for a pleasant and blissful experience.