Govt. Tourism License 3195/080/81
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Booking Policy

These policies are there to employ fair booking procedures and to ensure that your seats are booked. Here’s everything you need to know about booking a trekking trip with us Booking Policy rules.

  • Unless otherwise indicated, all trekking package costs are in US dollars.
  • Booking with us requires 30% fixed deposit, and non-refundable payment of 30% of the total trek package cost (per person) in order to finalize your reservation.
  • You may pay with a credit card or bank transfer. Our online payment method allows you to quickly and easily pay the deposit with a credit card. You can pay the remaining balance via bank transfer when you get to Kathmandu or at any point before the tour begins. You can also choose to pay the whole amount upfront.
  • There will be no reimbursement for any remainder portion of the trip if you, for any reason, decide to quit the travel group after it has begun.
  • In the event that you commit serious crimes, our trekking leader/guide has the authority to have you removed from the group.
  • Let’s say we are unable to deliver you the trip, either fully or in part, due to unforeseen events such as plane cancellations, snowfall, landslides, etc. (events beyond our control). If such is the case, we will provide you with a comparable alternative journey. However, you would be liable for any additional costs you incur as a result of this cancellation.

Cancellation Policy

The money paid to the firm will not be reimbursed after the trip has started since the company is not liable for the client’s choice to withdraw or terminate the excursion. If the client does not use any of the services featured in the itinerary or journey, including lodging, touring, food, transport, etc., no reimbursements or carryovers will be given for what was not used during the trip.

A few of the stated criteria may vary since the firm will use its discretion when determining the terms for the reimbursements. The firm reserves the right to terminate any trips that clients have scheduled before a formal agreement is signed or the trip is assured to go ahead.

Here’s a detailed info on how much you will receive based on the time you decide to cancel the trip:

  • If the trip is canceled prior to one year of the scheduled start, 35% of the total payment will not be reimbursed.
  • If the trip is canceled prior to 9 months of the scheduled start, 45% of the total payment will not be reimbursed.
  • If the trip is canceled prior to 6 months of the scheduled start, 60% of the total payment will not be reimbursed.
  • If the trip is canceled prior to 3 months of the scheduled start, 75% of the total payment will not be reimbursed.
  • If the trip is canceled prior to 1 month of the scheduled start, 90% of the total payment will not be reimbursed.
  • 100% of the total payment made will be withheld if you cancel the trip 15 days before the scheduled trip.

Medical Report

Before leaving for the journey, we will need a legally documented medical report from an accredited medical facility. We must have confidence in the trekker’s well-being and overall health. Any medical illnesses or difficulties must be disclosed to the company at the commencement of the booking.

The participant’s healthcare and evacuation costs will not be covered by the firm, and it will not be held liable for any accidents. As a result, before scheduling a trip with us, we ask that our clients see their physicians for a comprehensive examination and immunization. A customer may also ask the company for extra services based on the duration of their journey if needed.