Govt. Tourism License 3195/080/81
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Short Introduction to Langtang Region

Explore the glory of Langtang Region.

The wild Langtang Region is yet another grand trekking region in Nepal. The region’s lakes, snowy mountains and hills, Tamang culture, and stunning beauty make a lasting impression on your heart. This part of Nepal offers simpler trekking than regions compared to the Annapurna Conservation Area, the Manaslu region, or the Everest region.

The word Langtang comes from two Tibetan words, where the words Lang means Yak and Teng means to follow. Hence, in the upper Langtang Valley, trekkers could see yak. But do not get too close to these mountain creatures as their temper is unpredictable. Located north of Kathmandu, the little Langtang Valley contains modest snow-capped hills to the south and shares boundaries with Tibet to the north.

The most prominent peak in the range is Langtang Lirung, rising to a height of 7234 meters. The 99th-highest mountain summit on the entire planet, Langtang Lirung, stands out from the surroundings with its sharp vertical elevation. The Langtang Glacier is a lengthy glacier in Nepal’s Himalayan highlands which is yet another attraction. It’s also the longest glacier river in Nepal.

Trekking across Langtang Valley is a particularly well-known and loved hiking trail in Nepal. Great mountain scenery, a thick forest, and a range of uncommon animals are all included in a week-long excursion itinerary. Local tea houses have made a name for themselves as reliable sources of food and lodging for tourists. Gosaikunda and Helambu are two well-liked trekking locations in the southern portion of Langtang National Park.

Langtang Region Packages

Tamang Heritage Trek
duration-trip 10 Days
bar-trip Easy Trip

Tamang Heritage Trek

5/5 based on 15 reviews

Naya Kanga Peak Climbing
duration-trip 15 Days
bar-trip Moderate Trip

Naya Kanga Peak Climbing

5/5 based on 15 reviews

Langtang Region
duration-trip 20 Days
bar-trip Moderate Trip
Langtang Ganja la Pass Trek
duration-trip 14 Days
bar-trip Moderate Trip

Langtang Ganja la Pass Trek

5/5 based on 15 reviews