Govt. Tourism License 3195/080/81
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Short Introduction to Mustang Region

Explore the glory of Mustang Region.

Mustang stands apart from the other regions of Nepal thanks to its own characteristics. It is situated in the country’s north and is in Tibet’s close proximity. With its broad, desolate valleys, yaks, and brightly painted clay brick structures, Lo-Manthang, the informal/old capital, is a nation inside a kingdom.

The majestic Tukuche, Annapurnas, Nilgiri, Dhaulagiri, and 30 more peaks rising beyond 6000 meters provide an incredible background. Mustang was publicly accessible to trekkers in 1992, but only a small number of people are allowed to visit each year to protect the delicate ecosystem and local Tibetan culture.

Mustang sends you past several centuries to a place where Tibetans live, cultivate, and trade in much the same way as they did for millennia—a place where time has seemingly stopped. Trekking in this area lets you explore the western part of the Himalayan range, with its gorgeous scenery, icy peaks, and several monasteries dating back to the sixteenth century. Huge hills dark and brown are prominent in this region. These dark and brown desert hills are covered in fields of potato, barley, and, paddy and the wind follows us practically everywhere.

The Nepalese have instituted a charge for hikers who wish to venture beyond Kagbeni, the Upper Mustang frontier, acknowledging the distinctiveness of this small, historic region. Since official trekking parties were first allowed entry into this remote region of Nepal in March 1992, these regions are still pristine.

During the trek to Mustang, you will witness the unique paintings, Thanka art, and the stature of the large deities that adorn the monasteries from the 16th century. The ancient language, customs, and culture of Mustang are very similar to the ones of Tibetans. The people of Mustang are called Lobas, and Jigme Palbar Bista is the King of the Lobas, aka the last King of Mustang.

Mustang Region Packages

Saribung Pass Trek with Saribung Peak Climbing
duration-trip 21 Days
bar-trip Moderate Trip
Upper Mustang Jeep Tour
duration-trip 11 Days
bar-trip Easy Trip

Upper Mustang Jeep Tour

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