Govt. Tourism License 3195/080/81
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Terms & Conditions

Before making a reservation for a trek, excursion, or expedition, ensure that you take a moment to carefully understand the terms and conditions we have put up. In order to guarantee that you comprehend the schedule and nature of the trip you are doing and to obtain an even better experience, we highly recommend that you read the Trip Info related to your trip before making your reservation.

Your reservation will be confirmed by us on the understanding that you have read and accepted the Booking Conditions we have implied, which comprise the whole agreement between you and our agency. According to the trip details, the services to be rendered are those mentioned in a separate section & the excludes also have a separate portion in the detailed trek blog.


It is vital that you possess an up-to-date passport and have secured all necessary visas, permits, and certifications. Your passport has to be valid for a minimum of six months after the trip ends. You are in charge of making sure you have the appropriate visas, permits, and certifications for your travel; for further information, see the Trip Info section of the trek you are interested in.

If you are denied entrance into a nation due to not having the proper passport, tourist visa, or other travel documents, we are not liable. If you are denied entrance, you will be deemed to have canceled the trip.

Personal Info

You have to submit all the information requested on the application in order for us to verify your trip plans. Full name as listed on your passport, birthdate, gender, country, passport number, issue date, expiration date, and any existing health problems that could interfere with your ability to finish your travel plans are all required data.

Medical Documents

No matter your age, you must present a medical certificate from a doctor attesting to your fitness for high-altitude hiking if you want to travel more than 6,000 meters. Similarly, hikers who are over 65 should get a physical examination to determine their suitability for the trail.  For hikers over 65, a medical clearance document is necessary before beginning any journey.

Cost Fluctuation & Excludes

If suppliers change their prices before the trip starts, every quote we present is subject to change. We maintain the right to modify, add, or remove any portion of the schedule as circumstances warrant.

We retain the right, under certain circumstances, to change the pricing. However, we shall only take fair action in situations such as those involving changes in price-setting factors such as inflation, gasoline prices, currency rate swings, government measures, and other running costs.

The cost of your trip does not include airport taxes, visa fees, insurance for travel, overweight luggage fees, additional meals, tips for guides and porters, laundry, drinks, hot showers in lodges, medical costs, or other personal expenses.


While providing treks, expeditions, lodging, transportation, logistics, and other services, we only act as an intermediary with the explicit agreement that we will not be held accountable or liable for any mistake, harm, theft, postponement, or inconvenience resulting from the travel arrangements made by our company, guides, or representatives.

While every reservation is welcomed and handled with the highest care, no liability is assumed for any modification or departure due to uncontrollable circumstances. Furthermore, in accordance with the Nepal Act, we are not obligated to provide insurance for public liability.