Govt. Tourism License 3195/080/81
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Kyajo Ri Peak Climbing

5/5 - Based on 23 reviews
Kyajo Ri Peak Climbing Kyajo Ri Peak Climbing
Kyajo Ri Peak Climbing
US$ 3500 per person For a group of 3-6 pax.
  • 1 pax US$ 3799
  • 2 pax US$ 3600
  • 3-6 pax US$ 3500
  • 7-12 pax US$ 3400
  • 13-16 pax US$ 3300
  • Over 16 pax US$ 3200
  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Secure Online Booking
  • Flexible booking dates
  • Owner operated company
  • Decades of experience
  • Dedicated sherpa team
  • 100% success rate
  • 5/5 ratings by travelers

Trip Duration

16 Days

Group Sizes

1 - 16 People



Max. Altitude



  • Climbing
  • Sightseeing


  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner


  • 3 star Hotel
  • Lodge

Highlights of Kyajo Ri Peak Climbing

  • Be a part of the EBC Trail experience
  • Take a thrilling flight over Mount Everest to Lukla
  • Walk through the enchanting Sagarmatha National Park
  • Spend two nights in Namche
  • Explore the remote villages of Thame and Mende
  • Climb the stunning peak
  • Enjoy the magical views of Lhotse, Everest, Makalu, Ama Dablam, Cho Oyu, Baruntse, and other surrounding peaks
  • Experience life in a tent
  • Discover the culture of Kathmandu

Trip Overview

Are you keen to climb the six thousand meter peak in Nepal but at the same time don’t want to share a peak with dozens of other people? Then take a closer look at our Kyajo Ri Peak climbing expedition that will take you to the stunningly beautiful, free-standing, and photogenic snow pyramid of Kyajo Ri standing at 6186 m above sea level in the Khumbu region of Nepal.

The Khumbu has been known to the world for its greater Himalayas but for a long time, the peak of Kyajo Ri remained hidden in the Kyajo Ri Valley northwest of Namche Bazaar and just a stone’s throw from Mount Everest and Cho Oyu.

The reason why the mountain is so little known is that it was only cleared for climbing by the Nepalese government in 2002. The French and British teams violated the summit in the same year from the southwest ridge. Since then, it has gained its fame as a classic isolated peak in the Mahalangur massif and the fourth-highest trekking peak in the southern massif near the Thame and Gokyo valleys.

This breathtakingly beautiful Peak has then called many daring climbers and adventurers after its first ascension. If you also received its calling, then we are here to take you to the top of this stunning summit via our 16-day Kyajo Ri Peak climbing expedition from where you can appreciate the magnanimous beauty of Lhotse, Everest, Makalu, Ama Dablam, Cho Oyu, Baruntse and many other surrounding peaks.

In addition to the mind-boggling mountain vistas, you will also have the incredible chance to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of the Himalayas via our Kyajo Ri peak climbing tour. You will have the opportunity to be the part of iconic Everest Base Camp trail reaching all the way to Namche and discovering the authentic settlements of Thame and Mende along the way.

You will also meet the amazing Sherpas without whom almost no high-altitude expedition in Nepal takes place. Always remaining in the shadows, Sherpas are known to the world as daring climbers, helpers, mountain dwellers, and the most peaceful people who believe in traditional Tibetan Buddhism.

So ready to take on the challenge of scaling a daring 6000 m peak in Nepal off the beaten track? Join us for the Kyajo Ri Peak climbing adventure today – the time is now!

How does our journey begin?

Our Kyajo Ri Peak climbing trekking route follows the traditional Everest Base Camp trail starting from Kathmandu. You will fly to Lukla and trek to Namche from where you will exit the EBC route and direct your steps toward Kyajo Ri base camp via Mende village.

From the Kyajo Ri base camp, you will first ascend to Camp I, then to Camp II and assault the summit the next day. After the successful climbing, you will then head down to Base Camp and back towards Kathmandu via Namche and Lukla.

Kyajo Ri Peak Climbing Itinerary


Welcome to the Himalayan Capital of Nepal! We will be at TIA to receive you on your arrival day in Nepal. We will then drive you comfortably in our private vehicle to your hotel in the city center.

After settling in, if you have time, you can explore the nearby street and get acquainted with the local traditions, language, and culture.


Max Altitude





3-Star Hotel

Includes & Excludes

What is included?

  • Airport pick up / drop off by private Car.
  • 3 * Hotel twin sharing room accommodation ( 3 nights in Kathmandu with breakfast)
  • Kathmandu sightseeing by car and tour guide.
  • All meals during the trekking (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • The company provides all tents, kitchen, dining & food at high camp.
  • The company provides all fixed ropes and main rope, snow bar, rock piton, etc.
  • Everest Sagarmatha national park entry permit & Khumbu pasang Lhamu rural musicality fee.
  • Kyajo Ri peak climbing permit.
  • Climbing guide’s insurance & climbing equipment.
  • Complementary fresh fruit after dinner.
  • Accommodation, tea-house during the trek.
  • Government licensed holder and speaking English climbing guide.
  • All staff’s wages, food, drinks, accommodations, transportation, and Insurance.
  • One strong sherpa helper for carrying your baggage (1 porter for 2 clients)
  • Hill Sherpa Trekking first aid kit by guide.
  • Water purification tablets for tap water ensure safe drinking water throughout the journey.
  • Helicopter service will covered by your travel insurance, incase of Emergency.
  • All government taxes and official expenses.
  • A sleeping bag, Down jacket, Duffel bag, and trekking poles are provided by the company but should be returned after the trek ( if needed )
  • Oxy meter for checking pulse, level (AMS) acute mountain sickness.
  • The assistant guide will be provided according to group size.
  • Achievement certificate by Nepal Mountaineering Association after the summit.
  • Hill Sherpa Trekking provides trip certificates.
  • The company provides a complementary sunblock Cap.
  • Farewell dinner Nepalese cultural meals.

What is excluded?

  • International airfare tickets
  • Nepal entry visa fee, visa obtains on arrival at the international airport in Kathmandu.
  • Additional accommodations, food, and drinks in Kathmandu if stay extra day.
  • Your personal medical & travel Insurance.
  • Dessert, sweet items like chocolate, cake, pie, pudding, tea – coffee, bar bill any extra expenses.
  • Excess baggage weight is 10-15 kg maximum.
  • During the trek hot showers, mobile, camera, power bank any batteries charging, Wi-Fi internet.
  • Kathmandu sightseeing entrance fees are 30 US Dollars per person.
  • Your personal climbing gear.
  • Personal first aid kit.
  • Tips for guide & porters.

We also operated private trips.

Trip Information of Kyajo Ri Peak Climbing

Best Time

Autumn (September to November) is the best time for a high-altitude tour like Kyajo Ri Peak climbing. The season presents the clear air and the best mountain views you can ever imagine. From March to May in spring the weather is also fine, but the air is not as clear as in autumn. On the other hand, in spring you can enjoy the lushness and particularly beautiful rhododendrons, which bloom on the hillsides at this time of year.

The winter months (December, January, and February) are only recommended for seasoned trekkers or those who will be content with visiting the lowlands, as the winter months can be extremely cold in the mountains. In the summer (June, July, and August), we do not recommend traveling to the Khumbu region which is affected by the monsoon rain.

Elevation and distance

The majestic Kyajo Ri proudly stands at an impressive height of 6,186m between the Gokyo Valley and Thame. This remarkable peak is located 131 km away from Kathmandu, making it a two-week journey to reach its summit.

Similar to other treks in the Everest region, the Kyajo Ri Peak climbing begins in the town of Lukla, which sits at an admirable altitude of 2800m. Lukla is approximately 135 km away from Kathmandu and can be reached by a short half-hour flight.

From Lukla, the stunning peak is just 26.1 km away. The highest overnight stop during our 16-day journey to Kyajo Ri will be at Camp II, situated at an elevation of 5700m, and the highest altitude gain will be at the summit itself.

Maximum/Minimum walk per day

During our 16-day Kyajo Ri Peak climb, we will spend 12 days trekking, typically walking for 5 to 6 hours each day. The daily walking times have been carefully scheduled to ensure proper acclimatization of each group member. As a result, our walks will mostly be leisurely, unhurried, and gradual.

The easiest walk occurs on the third day as we trek from Lukla to Phakding along a pleasant route, reaching the village in a mere three hours.

The most demanding and longest part of our Kyajo Ri Peak climbing journey is on the 11th day when we push the summit and make our way back to Camp II in 8 to 9 hours.

Difficulty and Acclimatization

As part of the greater Himalaya, the Kyajo Ri Peak although classified as a small peak is considered more technical compared to other six thousand-meter high peaks in Nepal. The approach to the peak is somewhat complicated and arduous. The last section of the summit is steeper and the incline can reach up to 55 degrees.

The climb to the peak therefore requires solid skills on steep ice and, of course, consistent safety during the ascent and descent. However, the mountain presents itself on the most easily accessible route and it is definitely a difficult but doable peak.

Apart from the steeper sections and technical challenges, the Kyajo Ri peak climbing also presents the risk of high altitude. To help you adjust to the higher altitude, we have therefore scheduled two rest days in Namche, including a hike to Everest View Hotel, and at Kyajo Ri Base Camp for a technical training session.

As we get closer to the summit, we will have shorter walks from base camp to Camp I and then to Camp II. This gradual approach allows your body to acclimate to the thin air before the final push to the summit.

Can a beginner climb Kyajo Ri Peak?

A beginner climber who has experience in trekking 5000 m+ and has the initial skill or understanding of the technique of moving in crampons, working with an ice ax, jumar, and descender can climb Kyajo Ri Peak.

Here we want to emphasize that when we say beginner in this case, we are referring to someone who is experienced in high-altitude trekking but inexperienced in climbing.

Our expert team has prepared this program with the thought of proper acclimatization and minimal risks. In addition, our experienced and technically skilled climbing guide and team will constantly be by your side to make your attempt a success.

Therefore, Kyajo Ri peak climbing can be your first expedition to introduce yourself to this particular world of high altitude, discover the immense pleasure of living for several days at altitude, and admire unforgettable sunsets and sunrises. It will also be a journey to discover the techniques specific to expeditions. However, rigorous physical and technical preparation will be obligatory.

Preparation and training

The ascent to the Kyajo Ri Peak does need some technical skills. Additionally, you need to be prepared for long tiring transitions, steep slopes, strong altitude differences, and hurricane-force winds.

Therefore, at least a month or two before the Kyajo Ri Peak climbing should be devoted to physical training. Ideally, you should undergo preliminary acclimatization by climbing the five-thousand-meter high peak such as Gokyo Ri, Kala Patthar, or any peak in your nation.

In the absence of such an opportunity, you can emphasize on endurance exercises (running, skiing). It is recommended to exercise 3-4 times a week and increase the load gradually.

Do not forget to train your leg muscles with lunges, squats, etc. Try to cover small distances with alternating forward lunges, gradually increasing them. Running on the stairs at home will also be a good addition to training.

Alternate Routes

If you are looking for a different way to reach the Kyajo Ri Peak, there is an alternate route that starts from the south face. This route follows the classic Gokyo Ri trek. You will travel to Namche Bazaar and then trek to Dole and Macchermo to reach the Gokyo Valley. From there, you will climb Gokyo Ri before making your way to Thame, where the route to Kyajo Ri base camp begins.

You can also take the second alternative route to reach the summit of Lobuche East Peak, which stands at an elevation of 6119 m. This route follows the classic Everest Base Camp trail, taking you through Everest Base Camp and up to Kala Patthar.

From there, you will descend to Lobuche and make your way towards the Lobuche summit. After that, you will trek to Dzongla, cross the Cho La Pass, and finally arrive at Gokyo Valley. Continuing, you willthen overcome the Renjo La pass, trek to Thame Village, and approach the Kyajo Ri Base Camp.

Please remember that both of these alternative routes to reach the Kyajo Ri peak are technically demanding and require past hiking experience and basic mountaineering skills.

Altitude Sickness

In our Kyajo Ri Peak climbing program, you will find yourself at an altitude of over 3000 m starting from the fourth day of the trek. As the days progress, the altitude gradually increases, reaching heights of over 5000 m and even 6000 m.

These are the heights where most of the trekkers and climbers may experience symptoms of altitude sickness. The main symptoms of altitude sickness are increased heart rate, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, rapid pulse, tinnitus, and muscle weakness.

The major causes of altitude sickness are dry and thin mountain air, over-exertion during trekking and climbing, insufficient acclimatization, and loss of fluids.

Therefore, the golden rule to prevent altitude sickness is a smooth climb, consuming sufficient fluids and high-calorie foods, utilizing the rest days as instructed by the climbing guide, increasing fluid intake, and timely recognition and resolution of potential health problems, both before and during the trip.

You can take Diamox if you experience the above-mentioned symptoms. It will help reduce your symptoms within 2 to 3 hours but remember it is a diuretic drug so make sure to drink plenty of fluid.

Transportation, Accommodation, Food and Drink

For the Kyajo Ri Peak climbing expedition, we will provide all transportation in comfortable private vehicles. We will meet you at TIA, take you to your hotel, and then pick you up from the hotel and drop you off at TIA in a private vehicle on your first and final days in Nepal.

We will also organize an exclusive Kathmandu sightseeing tour, where you will have a personal tour guide and private transport at your service. Not only that, but the same transport will also take you to TIA or Ramechhap Airport for your flight to Lukla. Additionally, we will also offer air tickets for a round trip from Kathmandu to Lukla and back.

In Kathmandu, you will sleep in a cozy 3-star hotel, where you will be sharing a room with a fellow traveler of the same gender. We will offer a complimentary breakfast during your time in the city.

During the trek, a cozy mountain shelter or lodge will be your accommodation. We will provide three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), along with tea and fresh fruits every evening. When it’s time to set up camp, our porter will take care of carrying the essential tents, mattresses, and kitchen equipment. We offer unlimited food, tea/coffee, and hot water at the camps.

Communication, Gadgets charging, and Internet/WIFI

Since we will be heading to the Everest region to climb Kyajo Ri, you should get NCELL sim cards in Kathmandu or Lukla for better coverage. NCELL also offers a wide range of internet data packages to suit your needs.

Alternatively, you can find Everest Link Wifi prepaid cards in every lodge or mountain shelter for WIFI access. The connection is usually reliable when the weather is clear. In the mountain lodges and tea houses, WIFI is available for an additional fee of USD 2-4 per hour.

Additionally, they have solar panels to ensure continuous electricity, and you can charge your devices for USD 4 to USD 10 per hour.


For Kyajo Ri Peak climbing, we need a special climbing permit for the Peak which will be obtained from the Nepal Mountaineering Association Office in Kathmandu. The other permits we need are Sagarmatha National Park Permit and Khumbu Rural Municipality Permit which will be obtained in Lukla by our guide on your behalf.

Equipment List


General Information

  • Company provides feather sleeping bag but should be refund after the trek.
  • Company provides Feather down Jacket but should be refund after the trek.
  • Hill Sherpa Trekking provides duffle bag during the trek but should be refund after the trek.
  • Mostly recommend for morning and evening, The windproof and waterproof thin layered jacket above 3450m.
  • Mostly recommend for Daypack bag 35-45 ltr.
  • Headlamp & extra batteries during the trek

Daily Use Essentials

  • A Sun Black Cap & Fleece hat
  • Sunglasses 100% snow uv protection
  • A muffle (full cover mask)
  • Sunscreen (30+ to 60 SPF depends on age)
  • A pair of thin & warm gloves
  • A pair Trekking poles
  • Water bottle & filter
  • Water purified tablets
  • lips guard

Upper Body Essentials

  • Warm hat
  • A pair of t-shirts
  • Thermal tops
  • Sports bras for ladies
  • windproof & fleece jacket
  • waterproof jacket

All Lower Body

  • waterproof trouser
  • warmer & fleece trouser
  • A pair of Comfortable trekking pants
  • Extra comfortable sport pants
  • A pair of sport shoe
  • Thermal underwear
  • A pair of comfortable waterproof trekking boots
  • Pair of light sandals
  • Some Thick (woolen) socks
  • Sock liners
  • Light shoes

Personal Medical and First Aid Kits

  • Diamox (125mg to 250mg tablets for AMS)
  • Adhesive bandages and pocket masks
  • Non-stick pad W/ Adhesive
  • ibuprofen & paracetamol tablets IP
  • Some Assorted adhesive bandages
  • Warps, splints, and wound coverings butterfly bandage
  • Blister treatment cream or similar
  • Insect / anti-itch ointment
  • Moves incase sprain any body
  • pain-relief medication
  • Sinex, & Eye Drops etc.
  • Gauze sponge
  • Saline solution

(Note: first aid kits & medicine will carrying with our company’s guide during the trekking However, we recommend you to bring your personal first-aid kit)


Important Things

  • passport size photos with original passport copy
  • Flight details (to pick you up & transfer to hotel)

Extra Essential Things

  • Energy gel or dry foods (that’s your desire)
  • Power bank is most important for backup device (if you have)
  • Camera, chargers, extra batteries, memory card)
  • Most important for ladies essentials things (if you are ladies)

Frequently Asked Questions

Reviews on Kyajo Ri Peak Climbing

US$ 3500 per person For a group of 3-6 pax.
  • 1 pax US$ 3799
  • 2 pax US$ 3600
  • 3-6 pax US$ 3500
  • 7-12 pax US$ 3400
  • 13-16 pax US$ 3300
  • Over 16 pax US$ 3200

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