Govt. Tourism License 3195/080/81
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Weather and Season

When is the ideal time to trek in Nepal? The weather condition in the highlands is determined by the Himalayas. There are some seasons that are better for hiking, yet accurate forecasts are difficult to produce since mountains like Manaslu, Everest, Annapurna, and Lhotse have unique weather systems. Depending on what kind of experience you’re searching for, trekking in Nepal is possible all year round.

The high mountains are sub-arctic and arctic, the lowland flats are tropical, and the midland foothills are warm. Trekkers find that autumn and spring provide the finest visibility (mountain vistas are one of the main draws to Nepal) as well as moderate temperatures and minimal rainfall.


Warmer temperatures, more consistent weather patterns, and the blooming of flowers are all present in the spring season. The tea houses will be packed with hikers and climbers as the trekking season gets underway, who you may hang out with. Throughout the day, temperatures can range from 16 to 23 degrees Celsius, depending on height.

Even at elevations beyond 4,000 meters, the evenings may still be rather chilly—they can drop below zero. Although there aren’t as many hikers as there are in the fall, springtime is still regarded as the peak season. This is a fantastic season to undertake the Annapurna Circuit Trek if you are thinking about doing so. It’s your greatest chance to view a variety of gorgeous birds and rhododendrons in full flower.


June through August is the summertime in Nepal, and it’s also the least desirable time of year to go trekking there. It’s monsoon season, and the heavy downpours cause havoc with everyday activities and mountain activities. For good reason, not many intrepid travelers trek into the Himalayas during the summer months in the northern hemisphere.

Rain is known to destroy bridges, make pathways incredibly slick and buried by landslides, and disrupt public transportation. Aside from that, a heavy layer of clouds may prevent you from seeing a single peak. There are, however, a few exceptions—places where the summer monsoon has no effect.

The limited Upper Mustang Trek is an excellent alternative because the terrain is still reasonably dry, even if it’s quite a haul. It is essentially a high-altitude desert with snow-blanketed peaks all around, located in the Annapurna highlands. Another choice is the Dolpo area, where hiking is excellent in the Upper and Lower Dolpo during this period of the year.


Autumn is the ideal season to hike in the Himalayas of Nepal, if you’re looking for a clear-cut answer to that topic. The vistas are breathtaking, and the weather is usually excellent. As the season goes on, the temperature gradually drops. Even though the weather is usually consistent, higher elevations may still see shifting conditions with a chance of snowfall.

Trekking is said to be most enjoyable in the fall when there are many people on the trails. At 4000 meters, the temperature drops slightly to 25°C throughout the day. The evenings are consistently chilly.

It is possible to have minor monsoon remnants in September, and midday rain is still possible. Deep snow might make it challenging to traverse high passes, but overall, you shouldn’t have any issues. Your route will be plain as October approaches. Nepal’s festival season begins when there is no more rain.

The annual celebration of Indra Jatra, also called Yenya, marks the conclusion of the monsoon season and is often celebrated in the latter part of September or the beginning of October. These unique festivities can complement your trip to Nepal.


There is no denying the extreme cold of the Nepalese winters. It may bring with it a good deal of snow, even at elevations as low as 1500 meters. Though for certain hikes, winter is a terrific time to go hiking, even if it may make things fairly difficult. Why? Comparatively speaking, it’s the least busy season. The fall disappears and with it the masses.

The locals and the surrounding environment both seem relieved when the outside temperature drops. Wintertime finds almost no one on the lower-level climbs, such as the Mardi Himal Base Camp trip, which attracts large numbers of hikers during peak season.

The Annapurna Base Camp and Mardi Himal treks are two other treks that are fantastic during this particular time of year. Our local crew has years of experience organizing climbing trips to the Himalayan region of Nepal. They’ll see to it that your winter hike is both cozy and secure.