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What is the best time to trekking in Nepal?

By admin

Trekking, the highest mountains, and rich cultures always await us in the Himalayan of Nepal. I am going to announce What is the best time to trekking in Nepal? Trekking typically begins with treks. That means walking a long journey on foot from the lower place to higher elevation places. Trekking is especially as for celebration vacations too. trekking refers to walking into the natural land of the earth’s path.

It is a part of natural transportation without using any modern technology. In addition, trekking is a different activity from other journeys. it takes you towards the natural trekking path and paradise of nature totally far from modern life. It’s that only one activity that is different beautiful and pure natural.

In Nepal trekking activities are easy, moderate, and harder, Easy trek means that is trekking in a lower place where is a standing elevation of 3210 -4130 meters maximum, It’s the Ghorepani poonhill trek (3210m.) Mardi himal trek (4500m.) Khopra trek (4500m.) Annapurna base camp trek (ABC trek) (4130m) Everest culture trek (3290m.) which is the new trekking route, Pikey trek(4012m.), etc.

The moderate trek The Most popular Everest base camp trek is standing at an elevation of 5,364m. Manaslu circuit trek is standing at an elevation of 5,106m. Annapurna circuit trek (Thorang la pass which is standing at an elevation of 5,416m.
And harder trek is the Everest region thre passe trek kongma la pass which is 5,540m. Chola passes 5,420m. Renjla pass 5,346m. In Makalu Barun trek national definitely Kanchenjunga region trek, Dolpo region trek, and Mera peak region, Rolwaling region treks, those trekking area is harder than the other regions trekking in Nepal.

The hard adventure and technical passes are Tashi laptsa pass which has an elevation of 5,755m. Amphu lapcha pass 5,845 m. Sherpani Col is the hardest and technical high pass trek in Nepal which has an elevation of 6,196 m. in Nepal.

Best time/season to trekking in Nepal

In Autumn season

In Nepal’s season of autumn starts in September and ends in November this season is known as one of the best seasons in Nepal. You will gain lifetime experience as you travel through scenic mountains and beautiful lush landscapes in amazing weather. The temperature and weather conditions make a perfect moment in the daytime for trekking. Temperatures will vary from 10°C to 20°C during this season making it one of the comfortable seasons to trek as you can trek the amazing routes and terrains without encountering any weather-related difficulties.

Also, it won’t snow or rain when you visit Nepal’s trekking route area. but the higher altitude areas will be colder compared to their lower areas. This season offers trekkers a chance to view fantastic scenery as Nepal’s snow-capped mountains are visible. Trekking in autumn is pleasant, and joyful due to the cool, moderate atmosphere. also during this season population that moved to the lower towns and villages during the winter moves back to the upper parts which give trekkers a chance to interact with ethnic locals and also build some form of familiarity with the local sherpa settlement’s tradition

In Spring season

In Nepal, the spring season starts in March and ends in May. The spring season is entirely marked by beautiful weather and temperate temperatures. This trek in all about Nepal’s region is worthwhile because of the beautiful Himalayas and landscapes. There won’t be any more weather-related problems on the journey as you walk in peaceful and relaxing surroundings the mountains and the beauty of the natural trekking paths. But there isn’t any surety of stable weather in the higher altitudes of the trekking and also you’ll still be feeling the impacts of winter as the first part of March is a transitional month.

Along the pathways in the spring, a variety of plants is in bloom. Nature lovers may find it fascinating to see the stunning various types of rhododendron flowers and pine trees. Hence, finding the amazing terrain to be both magnificent and tough. All of Nepal’s mountains, and trekking routes look breathtaking during this season. The trek is also blissful due to the dry weather and minimal rainfall. In the spring, the region experiences temperatures between 15°C and 25°C. However, the weather becomes quite cold after sunsets as it gets dark and even colder on the higher trail paths.

What is the best trekking in Nepal?
Monsoon trek condition in Nepal

Monsoon season / Rainy season

In Nepal, the Monsoon season which spans from June to August can be a very tricky season to Trekking during this season can become extremely difficult because of weather-related difficulties. You will be trekking the paths in challenging conditions because of heavy rainfall during the monsoon season in Nepal, the area around the route is damp and humid.

The trails are extremely dangerous as trails are muddy and slippery due to the heavy rainfall. Cloudy and dark sky along the trails also becomes a problem as it affect visibility.
Therefore, navigation through terrains becomes nearly impossible. Natural calamities such as landslides and flooding might also occur during this season in all Whole Nepal’s trekking regions due to heavy rainfall. Hence, Nepal’s trekking during this season is quite challenging.

In Winter season

Another off-season, That makes the difficult trek is winter, which runs from December to February in Nepal. You will go through beautiful scenery and get a distinctive winter experience. but the routes will be covered in a thick layer of snow due to cold and freezing temperatures. Shorter and darker days can make the trekking more difficult. Although the routes will take you through the amazing terrain of Nepal.
However, you may also see breathtaking mountains covered in snow in the area.

Weather can become unpredictable and cause weather-related issues such as significant snowfall, snowstorms, etc in the region. The temperature in the area can drop as low as twenty degrees. So that you have to protect yourself from frostbite and cold conditions by keeping yourself warm and cozy. Aside from that, the track of this walk has fewer trekkers due to harsh weather conditions. There will also be fewer tea shops, lodging options, and dining establishments as most of the local ethnic populations of sherpa settlements move to the lower villages and towns of the region to save themselves from harsh climatic conditions and freezing temperatures.

What is the best trekking in Nepal?
Best time to trek in Nepal

Best Time to Trek in Nepal

The ideal months to travel to all of Nepal’s mountain region treks are six months September, October, November, March, April, and May. These are the most appropriate and recommended times to undertake trekking in the Annapurna region, Manaslu region, Mustang region, Everest region, Kanchenjunga region, and Dolpo region in Nepal. The autumn and spring seasons coincide with these months.

The Himalayan region is perfectly visible when the Nepal trekking during the best months. During these months the region’s mountain ranges offer exquisite flora and fauna bloom, and the general atmosphere is also pleasant and blissful.
These are the best months of the seasons as the weather is clear, providing a view of the distinct flora and fauna as well as a sky with fewer clouds and a vibrant atmosphere. During these months in Nepal, you can enjoy Nepal’s adventures.

Knowing all the various seasons, the climates, and the months that fall within them is common information for a country like Nepal as it is one of the popular tourism hotspots known for its beautiful Himalayas, lush landscape, and diverse natural environment so that one can prepared for any eventuality. Hence it is a thrilling challenging and pleasant experience of a lifetime.